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I saw Sir David Suchet at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London a few nights ago. His 2-hour recount of his personal and professional life spanning over 50 years, including 25 years spent playing Mr Poirot, was blow-minding.
His lecture on the indispensable role of a director in staging a play was fascinating.
Quoting Sir David Sachet, as we are driving to our destination and we happen to ask for directions, the last thing we would like to be told is HOW to drive the car to get there. What we would ask for is the best route to arrive safely.
A director does not replace an actor in the decision-making process. He will guide, coordinate, and work with the cast to facilitate the creative process of bringing the characters to life. A director will encourage the actors to dig up the psychology of their roles in a transformation process of knowledge where teaching and learning are unique and a life-enhancing experience for both parties. 
Even when a failure occurs, it will be the director’s duty not to criticise the actors but to celebrate their courage, whatever the outcome.
As a coach, I believe all the above concepts apply perfectly to a leadership role in any organisation.

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